Sanremo Festival

Sanremo 2025

The Sanremo Festival is Italy's most important musical event, and has been celebrating Italian song for decades. Although not officially a national selection, it is customary for the winner to represent Italy at Eurovision. Sanremo is a must for fans of Italian music and culture.

Eurovision Italy 2025: Olly declines, Lucio Corsi accepts!

Eurovision Italy 2025: Olly declines, Lucio Corsi accepts!

C’est au terme d’une inhabituelle et non conventionnelle semaine d’attente que Olly, grand gagnant du Festival de Sanremo 2025, a…
Sanremo 2025: Review of the first evening and provisional rankings

Sanremo 2025: Review of the first evening and provisional rankings

Sanremo 2025 Ca y est ! La semaine du festival de Sanremo est lancée, et après une première soirée où…
Discover the artists of the Sanremo Festival 2025!

Discover the artists of the Sanremo Festival 2025!

Carlo Conti, le nouveau Directeur du Festival de Sanremo, qui se tiendra au Théâtre Ariston de Sanremo, a révélé sur…
The history of the Sanremo Festival: a journey to the heart of Italian music

The history of the Sanremo Festival: a journey to the heart of Italian music

Le festival de la chanson italienne, aujourd’hui connu sous le nom Festival de Sanremo (en italien Festival della Canzone Italiana…
Sanremo 2025: All about the rules and how the evenings will unfold

Sanremo 2025: All about the rules and how the evenings will unfold

Update – Consultez notre article avec la liste des Artistes de Sanremo 2025 ici. La 75ème édition du Festival de…
Carlo Conti takes over the reins: what to expect at Sanremo 2025 and 2026

Carlo Conti takes over the reins: what to expect at Sanremo 2025 and 2026

Le retour de Carlo Conti à la direction artistique du Festival de Sanremo 2025 et 2026 promet de secouer des…
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