classic schlager

Hoffmann und Hoffmann (Rücksicht)

Hoffmann und Hoffmann

Hoffmann und Hoffmann

Nationality: Germany Germany
Founded: 1970
Founded Place: Karlsruhe
Members: Günther Hoffmann ; Michael Hoffmann
Music Genre: classic schlager

Hoffmann & Hoffmann were a German singing duo consisting of brothers Michael Hoffmann (born 3 December 1950, Karlsruhe) and Günter Hoffmann (born 4 October 1951, Karlsruhe - died 15 March 1984, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). They had several hits in Germany and are known for their participation in the 1983 Eurovision Song Contest.

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Himbeereis zum Frühstück (feat. Hoffmann & Hoffmann)

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Himbeereis zum Frühstück

Himbeereis zum Frühstück

Album (01 1992)

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