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[interview] "Show Me What Love Is »: Erik Segerstedt talks ahead of the Melodifestivalen 2025 final

Saturday evening, Erik Segerstedt will take to the stage at the Melodifestivalen 2025 with his song Show Me What Love Is. En pleine semaine de préparation avant la finale qui détermienra le représentant de la Suède à l’Eurovision 2025, il nous a accordé une interview dans laquelle il revient sur son parcours, ses inspirations et sa préparation pour la finale de samedi, en toute simplicité.

Salut Erik, tu es en finale du Melodifestivalen 2025 avec « Show Me What Love Is ». Comment te sens-tu avant la soirée de samedi ?

Frankly, I'm really excited! Even though it's been crazy with all the interviews and preparations, I'm trying to make the most of it. It's a real moment of joy and energy that's coming out of this whole adventure.

Erik Segerstedt – Credit photo Jocke Lord

For those who don't know you well, how would you describe yourself as an artist and what is your background?

My career started with Swedish Idol in 2006. But really, I've been making music since I was a kid: playing the piano and singing. I'd describe myself as an "organic »" artist because I love incorporating the piano into my songs - it's the central instrument in most of them. I also play guitar and other instruments.

Plus, I need to share. I'm never really comfortable alone on stage; I like the idea of being part of a group. For me, shared happiness is always the best. And even though I'm going solo now, my mind is still firmly set on collaboration.

Show Me What Love Is is seen by some as a ballad, but you say it's more of a mid-tempo. What was the inspiration behind this track?

The inspiration came to me while binge-watching the TV programme Married at First Sight. I was impressed by the courage of the participants who embarked on the adventure of blind love, ready to do anything to live an authentic story. Their audacity really influenced the lyrics of this song.

But the inspiration also comes from my own life: I myself am in search of love, and who isn't? This title reflects both my admiration for those who dare to take the plunge and my own quest to understand and feel authentic love.

Reactions to Show Me What Love Is have been wonderful. I've received lots of DMs on Instagram and other platforms. People love the song, and that means a lot to me. I'm really grateful that they've embraced it so wholeheartedly. It's an incredible feeling.

Erik Segerstedt at Melodifestivalen 2025 (qualifications) / Credit photo Instagram @eriksegerstedt

We also know that you're a big fan of Coldplay. Do you feel their influence in your music and stage direction?

Coldplay est l’un de mes groupes favoris depuis toujours. Leur style se ressent dans ma musique, que ce soit dans le choix des instruments, l’ambiance sur scène ou même dans mes tenues. J’en suis vraiment inspiré, même si parfois c’est un peu inconscient : dans la façon dont je joue du piano sur scène, mes performances, et même l’esthétique de mes costumes.

J’ai eu la chance de les voir en live ici en Suède – honnêtement, dès qu’ils viennent, je ne rate jamais leur concert ! J’ai suivi leur parcours depuis mes débuts. Et pour couronner le tout, on est même sur le même label. Pouvoir les rencontrer et, pourquoi pas, envisager une collaboration, serait un rêve devenu réalité !

You're back at Melodifestivalen as a solo artist, but you're staying true to the group spirit. What do you like about this dynamic?

It's a bit of a boost to find myself as frontman, but I never feel isolated on stage because I've got my whole band with me. Even if I carry the title solo, the energy comes from this collective collaboration. That's what makes it so strong.

I had already considered returning to Melodifestivalen in recent years, but I wanted to have the right song. For me, that's what it's all about: having a song that I feel is really cut out for the event, with the potential to go through to the final. And this time, I felt that it was the right time, that I finally had that song that made me want to try again.

One of yourrorists, Robin Bengtsson (Editor's note; Eurovision 2017), accompanies you during your performance. What energy does he bring to your performance?

Robin and I made a deal when I was doing backing vocals for him in 2017: if one day I qualified for Melodifestivalen, he would be my backing vocalist. It's great to see that promise come true today. Robin is an exceptional singer. To be honest, he's "overqualified »" for backing vocals. But he gets as much pleasure out of being behind me as I do out of singing behind him. It's hard to describe... It's really great that he's so humble to do that.

Erik Segerstedt at Melodifestival 2025 (qualifications) / Credit photo Instagram @eriksegerstedt

The Melodifestivalen format has changed a lot since you last took part. How do you feel about these changes, particularly with the songs being released the day before the show this year?

At first, I wasn't really sure how I felt about it. I thought it wasn't ideal, because the song is always going to sound better in its recorded version than it does live. But when I think about it, I think it's a good thing. In any case, there's always a risk that the song will be heard somewhere beforehand, and that could lead to disqualification. So it's reassuring to be able to release it just beforehand, without worrying about that.

Pour la finale, as-tu prévu des ajustements dans ta prestation ou des changements dans le show, et comment t’y prépares-tu ?

If we make any changes, they'll be subtle adjustments. Everything worked well in the qualifying phase, so we're probably going to keep the same performance. We've talked about adding pyrotechnic effects and flames. We still have a few days before the show to test things out, so we'll see. But there won't be any major changes.

Mais … je vais chanter beaucoup mieux cette fois-ci. J’ai vraiment travaillé sur ma voix, je fais des exercices vocaux et je me suis aussi entraîné à courir et chanter en même temps pour améliorer mon souffle. Ça m’a permis de préparer ma voix et de la rendre plus solide pour cette prestation. Lors de la qualification, j’étais malade une semaine avant, donc je n’avais pas eu le temps de préparer ma voix comme il le fallait. Mais ces dernières semaines, je me suis concentré sur ça pour être prêt pour samedi. Ce sera un très beau spectacle.

You took part in the Mellodifestivalen in 2013 with Tone Damli. As-tu eu l’occasion de regarder sa performance au Melodi Grand Prix a few weeks ago? And apart from the Melodifestivalen, suis-tu d’autres sélections nationales, comme celle de San Marino ?

Non, je n’ai pas eu le temps de regarder sa performance, mais j’ai entendu qu’elle y participait. Je vais sûrement aller la voir sur YouTube. J’adore Tone, c’est une chanteuse super talentueuse. Quant aux autres concours, j’ai quelques amis qui participent San MarinoDavid Lindgren, Boris Renier and Greg Curtis, who have a group called CRL. Mais sinon, je n’ai pas vraiment eu le temps de suivre d’autres compétitions.

Erik Segerstedt – Photo Joakim Lord

What are your most vivid Eurovision memories?

2017, quand nous étions en Ukraine. C’était vraiment spécial, d’autant plus avec ce qui se passe là-bas en ce moment. C’était un moment très beau, et on s’est vraiment amusés. C’est un souvenir vraiment agréable, mais aussi étrange, comme je l’ai dit, vu la situation actuelle en Ukraine. Et puis, en 2019, j’ai aussi participé à l’Eurovision, cette fois avec l’équipe russe, à Tel Aviv, en Israël. C’était aussi une expérience étrange. J’ai vraiment adoré Tel Aviv, j’ai aimé Israël. C’est une sensation étrange d’avoir été à Kiev, de m’être retrouvé avec les Russes, et d’avoir été aussi à Tel Aviv. Beaucoup de choses étranges se passent, tout comme ces endroits en ce moment.

Le monde est fou en ce moment. Et c’est justement ce qui rend l’Eurovision si important. Rassembler les gens, parler un langage universel, qui est la musique. « United by music », et on espère juste que plus de personnes puissent vivre quelque chose comme ça. C’est une belle chose, et c’est vraiment précieux que ça existe.

The final is fast approaching. How do you prepare? Do you have any pre-show rituals to keep you focused and relaxed?

No, not really... I don't believe in superstition. My preparation consists above all of getting a good night's sleep, working on my voice and trying to enjoy the moment. At over 40, my body doesn't react like it used to, and my voice needs more training. This song is vocally demanding, in fact I would have liked to write it a half-tone lower!

So, my preparation consists mainly of getting a good night's sleep, doing a bit of exercise and making the most of this bubble, because in a week's time, it'll all be over. Now I realise what a great opportunity it is to be in the final. If the desire is there, it's always a good thing to try again. In fact, I don't think this will probably be the last time you see me at Melodifestivalen. It's a great family of artists, and it's a pleasure to be part of it.

Any final words for your fans and supporters?

"Vive la France! » (laughs) I hope everyone watching the Melodifestival final on Saturday has a good time and enjoys my song. The most important thing for me is that they feel something when they hear it.

Thanks again for your time, especially during this busy week. We can't wait to see you on stage on Saturday night!

Artist details Erik Segerstedt

Instagram @eriksegerstedt

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