contemporary vocal jazzjazz popvocal jazz

Madeleine Pascal (Ne Vois-tu Pas?)

Madeleine Pascal

Madeleine Pascal

Nationality: United States United States
Born: 1973-01-01 (51 years old)
Birth Place: Athens
Music Genre: contemporary vocal jazz, jazz pop, vocal jazz

Madeleine Peyroux (born April 19, 1974) is an American jazz singer and songwriter who began her career as a teenager on the streets of Paris. She sang vintage jazz and blues songs before finding mainstream success in 2004 when her album Careless Love sold half a million copies.

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Got You on My Mind

Got You on My Mind

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Let's Walk

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Careless Love (Deluxe Edition)

Careless Love (Deluxe Edition)

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Secular Hymns

Secular Hymns

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The Blue Room

The Blue Room

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Standing On The Rooftop

Standing On The Rooftop

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Bare Bones

Bare Bones

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Half The Perfect World

Half The Perfect World

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Careless Love

Careless Love

Album (01 2004)

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